Friday, February 19, 2016

Catchy Domain Names for Fashion Industry

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Bloomberg reported that Tesla Motors finally acquired the domain name from unknown Silicon Valley engineer who possessed it for 24 years.
Now the URL Tesla.Com redirects automatically to, the domain name which Tesla is using as it couldn’t capture the simpler domain name.
Acquiring  domain opens up the door for Tesla Motors to create a catch- everything  website for its hard endeavors, which not only produces electric vehicles, but batteries through the Tesla Energy name.
Bloomberg speculated that new domain name may lead company to change its original name to simple Tesla, a move which Musk said was not possible earlier due to tricky domain issues.
lawyer who represented the domain owner told Bloomberg that over the many years the engineer who was approached by many more people for acquiring the name.
A Tesla spokesperson refused to comment on Bloomberg on the issue of domain change, he only said that the company acquired it.

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